life with oz

Friday, January 27, 2006

look what i've got!

By far Owen's favorite destination in our house is the recycling bin. With paper, cardboard, bottles and plastic containers there's no end to the fun and trouble Owen can get into. As a result of his adventures he's developed a taste for beer bottles - the cool glass is nice to put against his gums.

Here he grins for the camera with his find.


Lately at bedtime as Owen changes from his overalls to his pjs he's been taking off across the house with only his socks on. Here are a few shots of his adventures

breakin' the law

we have hideous wallpaper in our kitchen. those of you who've visited know this and have commented on it. brian and i have a color all picked out to paint the walls, but we're waiting for a 3 day thaw so we can air out the house after we paint. in the interim it has crossed my mind to get a head start by ripping off the wallpaper. last week owen took matters into his own hands and started the process. apparently the teacups were too much for him. we're only hoping he finishes by april.

that same day owen was entertaining himself with the telephone while brian and i took a break from trying to interest him in his toys. in his enthusiasm to make the phone beep and light up he dialed 911 and then moved onto some other activity. a minute or so later the phone made a loud "i'm off the hook" sound and we hung it up. it promptly rang and a very nice woman explained she was from 911 and they were sending an officer out to our house to check things out.

it's been a week, but owen is recovering nicely from his phone addiction.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

owen's red-headed cohorts

I've mentioned to many of you that I've been babysitting for my midwife's son's Finn and Harmon who also happen to be Owen's favorite truck-wielding and castle-building playmates. Finn, proudly defends his truck castle as Owen races over to knock it down. Harmon is blinded by the flash in foreground. Me, I'm impressed with the little amount of time it takes for the three of them to completely destroy the living room.

Look who's a big boy now...

These days it seems whenever I want to drink some water or tea or eat some food, Owen appears and starts motioning for his share of whatever I have. He's not always sure what to do with the water he gets from my glass, but he certainly loves to try it out. Now that he's started pulling himself up on things, his favorite position to eat is standing and lunging for the spoon. (No we haven't invested in a highchair as of yet. We're hoping one will magically turn up in our lives so we can once again leave the house w/o orange sweet potato stains decorating our clothing. )

the diaper chronicles

Owen hates to have his diaper changed these days. Lying on his back waiting while we attempt to remove the soiled diaper, clean the bottom and reapply a new diaper is just too much wasted play time for our little guy. So when he's not screaming bloody murder (yes, he does make it sound like we are torturing him or at least that's what the neighbors must think), he's rolling over and crawling off to more interesting parts of the room grinning like he's gotten away with another cookie out of the cookie jar.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Coming to Get 'Ya

Oz is on the move these days, crawling through the house at breakneck speeds. His favorite destinations include: the cd rack, Stella's dogfood dish and the recycling bin.

Welcome to Oz

Rather than bombarding you with 50 photos at once, we thought we'd try a different route to providing photos and info. about Owen's life and our adventures in parenting. Our hope is to update this once a week on Thursday or Friday w/ a little news and some photos. So check back at the end of each week.